Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Get Ready With Me!!

   Hey everyone I know it has been awhile but I do want you to get ready with me to go to bed. Lets get started because I am tired and I do sure want to go to bed.
   I like to light a candle before I get ready before I go to bed it just really relaxes me. Okay well every night before I do anything I have to take off my make-up and I use the Neutrogena Make-up Remover wipes and I do enjoy them. They work very nicely and it is so much easier they washing my face then using a cleanser over the sink. Then I moisturize with Simple Light Hydration cream. Then I take my tooth brush and and my toothpaste and brush my teeth. Then I brush out my hair because I hate going to bed with tanglely hair. If I notice any blemishes on my face I like to use my Neutrogena Spot Gel because it will take care of those areas within 8 hours. Then I like to use a lip balm or chap stick before I go to bed so I wake up with nice soft lips. I currently use Burt's Bees replenishing chap stick but I hate it so I do not recommend it. I am the type of person that will not go out and buy another product until I am finished or almost finished with the first. Because I am a broke college student and I have to save money. Then after I am already and clean for bed I like to put on my Pj's and fuzzy socks and snuggle up in my bed. I usually text my boyfriend for a bit before I go to bed. But that is all I do before I sleep.

I hope you guys enjoy.
I will try posting more stuff tomorrow night. School is just starting so it is very hard to get back into things.

Have a great night.

-Brittanie Cruz
Blank Canvas

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